Artists Anonymous – Interview

We recently sat down with an anonymous member of EWADE for an exclusive interview, and it quickly became clear that this member had some strong feelings about the group. Here’s what he had to say:

“I can’t believe I have to put up with these guys every day. Espen is always trying to steal the spotlight, Werner is just so darn shy, and Anders is always causing drama with his endless hookups. It’s exhausting. And don’t even get me started on Edvard and his constant need for attention. It’s just too much.”

When asked about his thoughts on the group’s recent tour, our anonymous source had this to say: “It’s a nightmare. We’re constantly on the road, and it’s just nonstop chaos. I can’t wait for it to be over. I just want to go home and hide.”

Despite his complaints about the group, our anonymous source did have some positive things to say about the group’s music. “I have to admit, our songs are pretty catchy. And the Vox Aureus definitely helps us sound better than we actually are. But it’s still not worth putting up with these guys every day.”

It’s clear that this anonymous member of EWADE has some strong feelings about the group, but it seems like they’re still able to put on a great show for their fans. Hopefully, they’ll be able to resolve their internal conflicts and continue making music together.

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